In a previous article (Getting back to work with energy and joy. Yes, it can be done!) I wrote about a young man in his mid-20s who had recently obtained the PABO diploma with incredible difficulty. Who could thus begin to fulfill his dream of becoming a master. And yet that doubt whether that was it. Then, based on the coretalents analysis performed, the conclusion is that mastery in primary education fits his personality and everything that is strong in his disposition.
I also wrote about the side effects of his strong coretalents and combinations of coretalents. Side effects such as difficulty saying "no," sensitivity to tension, emotions, atmosphere, and the need for mental space, safety, stability, and attention. Issues that most likely play tricks on him in his work in and outside the classroom.
But there is more...
Looking at his core talent combinations, I wondered if this young master could adequately express himself in his current work as a substitute teacher and in the future. As mentioned, being a teacher absolutely fits him, but there is also a large part of his potential that is hardly ever called upon.
His commercial side and business-economic acumen, for example. Doing business, leading, setting goals and the means to achieve those goals, thinking and acting strategically and tactically, going for profit, developing and setting policy, being engaged in strategic vision, development, innovation, selling, and persuading.
Furthermore, he is a real team player by nature and even though he is part of a teaching team most of the time he is in the classroom.
Combined with his high intelligence, I foresee him continuing to get stuck in his job because the areas of focus are too limited, and he is not challenged enough in general but certainly mentally/rationally. For him, it would be ideal if he could work part-time in front of the classroom and spend the remaining time engaged in policy and business, educational development and innovation, implementation of processes etc.
After our conversations, he decided to take some time to let everything sink in. In the meantime, he resolves to look around and explore the possibilities. He now knows that whatever position he seeks and finds, the work environment is essential to him!
Several months later, I receive a message from him:
"I applied for this job (link was attached) and I was hired!"
Of course, I can't resist putting the job posting next to his coretalents. For now, this is a very fitting position for him. They are selling educational software, co-developing it, implementing it, and providing service and support to teachers and children who use it. And then also for a young, innovative company where people stand and go for it together in an informal working atmosphere, where successes are celebrated and time is made for sociability. The job content and the context in which it must be performed suit him very well!
He can still regularly be found in the classroom, albeit in a different role. His PABO training and practical experience come in handy here. For the time being, he can do his best here and further develop his coretalents into competencies. If, in due course, he is ready for a new challenge, this is a reasonable basis on which he can grow further, for example, into a management position. That he wants to grow further is very likely, given who he is, his potential, and what motivates him intrinsically.
At least this talented and promising teacher is now retained for teaching!
Ageeth van der Velden