Coretalents analyst training

As a Coretalents analyst, you give someone a foundation on which to make appropriate choices for work and life.

Anyone who professionally guides or counsels people in self-development or making choices will benefit from this unique training. This unique and powerful personality tool is very valuable not only for your client, but also for you as a professional in guidance, coaching, counseling, treatment.

The outcome of the coretalents analysis is valid for a lifetime. It provides razor-sharp insight into your client's nature, potential, and intrinsic motivation. So, it is not about acquired competencies.

With the Coretalents analysis, a person (re)discovers who he/she really is on the inside. Plus what is potentially present and thus developable and what gives pleasure and energy or not.

As a Coretalents analyst, you give someone that insight by examining what he/she did in childhood (ages 4-12) and how much he/she liked to do it. This is not about whether he/she did it often or was good at it. Your client thereby gets to who he/she really is deep inside. This gets you into the layer below learned or just unlearned behaviors.

No other method maps a person as accurately and comprehensively as the core talents method.

Krijg snel en accuraat zicht op de kern van jouw cliënt, coachee,
medewerker, student!”

Sfeerimpressie training Utrecht

Danielle Krekels, grondlegger van de kerntalentenmethode is altijd een lesdag aanwezig. Gepassioneerd deelt zij haar kennis en ervaring. Bekijk deze korte video voor een sfeerimpressie van de opleiding tot erkend Coretalents-analist. We werken in kleine groepen zodat er ruimte is voor jouw eigen inbreng en praktijksituatie.

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Deelnemers aan het woord:

Wij vroegen een aantal deelnemers van onze opleiding tot erkend Coretalents-analist wat hen heeft geïnspireerd om deel te nemen aan de opleiding.

Hoe ervaren deelnemers de opleiding?

Drie van de deelnemers van de opleiding tot erkend Coretalents-analist start najaar 2023, geven hun mening over de opleiding.

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Training details

Investment €5150,- VAT not included
Duration 10 training days in 7 months
Level: HBO/WO level of work and thinking


Jacco Stolker en Ageeth van der Velden zijn gecertificeerd Coretalents-trainers. Zij geven samen de opleiding Coretalents-analist op de locatie For You, Orteliuslaan 850 te Utrecht. For You is met de auto gemakkelijk te bereiken, 2 minuten van de A2 en de A12. Parkeren doe je aan de overzijde bij P&R voor 7 euro per dag. Bushalte Papendorp Noord is voor de deur. 

Lesdagen en tijden start voorjaar 2025

  • 4 dagen theorie:
    maandagen 3 maart, 17 maart, 24 maart, 31 maart 2025
  • 4 dagen practica:
    maandagen 14 april, 5 mei, 12 mei, 19 mei 2025
  • 1 halve dag mondelinge proef (ochtend of middag):
    maandag 16 juni 2025 of  dinsdag17 juni 2025
  • 2 dagen verankering: maandagen 8 september en 13 oktober 2025

Online infosession

Hear everything you want to know! Get the answers to your questions! 

  • Background and origins of the core talents methodology
  • What makes this method unique and so powerful 
  • How does a coretalents analysis work?
  • How can you use the coretalents themselves when mentoring
  • Structure and content of the course
  • Admission and review
  • Recognition as a Coretalents analyst
  • Cost of training
Twee zakenmensen door een gang

Background coretalent method

Danielle Krekels discovered in 1989 what would later prove to be "coretalents. At the time, she ran a thriving engineering and engineering selection firm and interviewed engineers on a daily basis.

During those interviews, she often heard them link what they enjoyed doing as children to what they did in adult time. Danielle increasingly wondered if it could be that a child does not become creative by playing with Lego, but enjoys playing with Lego because it ís already creative?

It was the start of 20 years of empirical research that resulted in the Coretalents method. Today, more than 400 Coretalents analysts in various countries use this powerful method.

Want to know more?

Want to learn more about Coretalents analyst training? Then visit the Coretalents website for more information and/or participate in one of the online information sessions.