For you

The outcome of the coretalents analysis can be applied to many different topics and questions. We also always consider what environment and context you need to be able to express your coretalents.

We have extensive experience and expertise in individual (career) development, study choice, entrepreneurship, and application of coretalents in organizations.

In terms of individual development, we are happy to guide you on topics such as:

  • a crossroads in your life where you want to make choices
    (career, studies, personal life, etc.).
  • wanting to get out of yourself what is in you; your potential
  • understand and positively influence your work experience
  • preventing burnout and bore-out
  • new job/function within or outside current organization
  • advancement and the Peter Principle. Read more about it here.
  • career switch
  • reintegration 1st and 2nd track. Read more about it here.

“Leef vanuit jouw kerntalenten!”


Are you considering a new step in your career? Get to know your unique coretalents and use them for a meaningful career.

Study Choice

You want to choose a study that will also help you make the right moves later on? Choose based on your coretalents.


Do you want to start your own business? Discover what gives or costs you energy as an entrepreneur and get to work in concrete terms.

Personal development

Do you want to (re)discover and further develop yourself? Discover what you have to offer and what motivates you intrinsically.


You have several options to choose from.

The basis is always coretalents discovery.
If we add to this an in-depth interview, we talk about the coretalents analysis.
If you could use some help implementing your core talent constellation you can then schedule separate implementation sessions. 

Often, the employer pays (part of) the coretalents analysis. For example, you can make use of your personal development budget. Talentizer is happy to think about this with you.

Coretalents discovery


We map your core talent constellation through a coretalenst discovery that consists of:

Filling out an online of a questionnaire

Interview about your activities/play as a child (+/- 90 minutes)

Verbal and visual representation of your core talent constellation (+/- 30 minutes)

Comprehensive report and telephone explanation of it (+/- 20 minutes)

Debriefing approximately 2 weeks after core talent discovery (phone or video call)

Coretalents analysis


A coretalents analysis is the coretalents discovery and in-depth interview about your life journey.

The outcome will give you insight into the coretalents you have used in your life, studies, career, hobbies, etc.

Dit betreft zowel de kerntalenten die van nature sterk aanwezig zijn en die je dus graag inzet, als de kerntalenten die minder goed bij je passen en je dus energie kosten.

Het geeft zich op die kerntalenten die je ontwikkeld hebt tot competenties en jouw potentieel. Dus hetgeen van nature in aanleg aanwezig is en je zou kunnen ontwikkelen d.m.v. opleiding en werkervaring.


€95 per 60 minutes

If you know your core talent constellation, you can often find the answers to your questions about your choice of study, career, etc., in this yourself.

Of course, you can also contact us if you could use some help in understanding and applying your coretalents even better.

Often, 1 or 2 conversations are enough. For example, working together to relate the content of a job to your coretalents.

In another situation, a program with several sessions may be helpful. Think of a career trajectory, entrepreneurial trajectory, study choice trajectory or reintegration trajectory 1st and/or 2nd track.

We tailor the content and frequency to your demand. It is, therefore, customized.

Why Talentizer?


With a wealth of practical experience in various sectors and industries, with Talentizer you are assured of professional guidance based on a solid foundation of knowledge and expertise.

Qualified & certified

Our coretalents analysts are officially qualified and certified by Coretalents. This ensures the highest quality and reliability in performing coretalents analysis and coaching.

Personal attention

At Talentizer, you are our focus. We listen to you and think along with you. Whether the coretalents analysis can mean something to you, for example, and how. Have you already done a coretalents analysis? Then you can also contact to us.  

This is what our clients say about us:


It is a perfect eye opener both business and personal. I would say take this opportunity to know yourself anew and make yourself stronger. Let the toppers at Talentizer help you get the best out of yourself.


Jacco is a fine conversationalist, enthusiastic, puts you at ease right away and takes his time with you. That makes for a nice and open conversation.


Ageeth was a very pleasant sparring partner during this process who challenged me to look in the mirror she held up to me. This gave me a more realistic picture of who I really can and may be.


The service Talentizer provides is very good and I would recommend it to anyone. They really take the time for you and you enjoy it for life.

Want to know more?

Do you want to know if the coretalents analysis could really be for you?
Have you already done coretalents analysis and want to take this further?
Please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to take the time for you.