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Return to work with energy and joy? Yes, it is possible!
"I knew what I wanted to be later: master!" Sitting across from me is a young man in his mid-20s. He looks tired and somewhat sad. During this introductory interview, he tells me that even as a child he knew what he wanted to be: master! He loved children even then, among...
A talented and promising teacher is retained for teaching!
In a previous article (Getting back to work with energy and joy. Yes, it can be done!) I wrote about a young man in his mid-20s who had recently obtained the PABO diploma with incredible difficulty. Who could thus begin to fulfill his dream of becoming a master. And yet that...
When your soul is bored, it moves heaven and earth to get your attention.
(quote Frouke Vermeulen, author of the book "Fighting boredom"-caught in a bore out) You have quite a nice job with nice colleagues. The work is not too heavy, just right in quantity and it doesn't cost you much headaches. A job that...
Are you who you think you are?
"You are the result of your thoughts," Michael Pilarczyk's voice rings in my ear during a guided meditation. So, that is confronting! From my own experience, I know how beliefs and thoughts determine my inner peace. And for the choices I make or...
Hooray, I'm competitive!?
Regularly I notice that beliefs and judgments stop people from doing what naturally suits them, gives them pleasure and energy. Beliefs and judgments that are prompted by upbringing, the social environment or sometimes by a single comment from, for example,...
Back to yourself
Today I received the Intermediair Magazine again. I enjoy reading the articles and they always grab me. The stories are taken from life and, therefore one and all recognition. As I read those articles I feel the adrenaline rush through me. What would...
Mobility centers fall short
"Mobility centers fall short" is the headline above a recent article in the Financieel Dagblad. According to the article, an inventory found that the return on investment of an arsenal of tools such as job-value scans, career advice and...