Back to yourself

Gepubliceerd: 17 Dec, 2018
Author: Ageeth van der Velden

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Terug naar jezelf met kerntalentenToday, I received the Intermediair Magazine again. I enjoy reading the articles, and they always grab me. The stories are taken from life and, therefore, one and all recognition.


As I read those articles, I feel the adrenaline rush through me. How I would love to connect with the people in the articles and with people in similar situations. Because with the core talents method Talentizer applies, all those unpleasant experiences described can be prevented.


Neem nu het artikel of today about Mathijs (written by Jolein de Rooij) who was asked by an advertising agency to set up a new department and assemble a team. Mathijs saw this as a great opportunity; however, things turned out very differently with serious consequences for his health and well-being.


What a wonderful conclusion to this article:


"That playful child in myself was always there, but mostly in my private life. Only now I have also become that person in my work".


That is exactly what the core talents method is about: going back to your childhood and discovering your nature, potential and intrinsic motivation!


Back to yourself!


The subtitle "The fear of disappointing others." makes me curious about Mathijs' need to adapt and his ability to influence. Does Mathijs naturally hold his own course or does he automatically seek the balance between his own course and that of the environment? Or does he naturally move with the flow?


Another aspect that is interesting in this context is his coretalents of empathy. Does Mathijs naturally like to care for and do the right thing for another, or does he deploy this when the situation calls for it? In doing so, perhaps he also likes to put himself in the other person's emotional life while leaving himself behind? It makes a big difference because it shows whether this gives Mathijs energy or whether he loses energy.


And then the assignment he was given: setting up a department and assembling a team. How are Mathijs' organizational coretalents, management, and leadership? Is Mathijs a team player anyway, and if so, what kind of one?


"Meanwhile, I also had to create my own creative concepts. It worked out, I squeezed it all out, although they were not my most original ideas."


Was this an appeal to the small coretalents of creativity or are these coretalents just strong, and could Mathijs not use them enough because of the situation? From the rest of this article, I conclude that he rediscovered that his field of Marketing suits him very well and that he can use his creative talents in it. However, he doubted this strongly for some time.


"On top of that, I don't like to give up. I wasn't raised that way.

Just keep going and working hard".


Of course, parenting plays a vital role in our development. However, it is not inconceivable that this is simply in Mathijs' genes: focus, finishing things, and having difficulty letting go. If this coretalent is strong in him, he will naturally use it.


"The most important thing I've learned is that I have two sides."


I dare say that Mathijs has much more than two sides. Knowing those other sides is essential for him in his new path. This prevents him from getting stuck again but in other areas. Mathijs has become self-employed. Entrepreneurship means seeing and seizing opportunities but also having the courage to take risks, setting long-term goals, strategic insight, etc. I would so much like him to know whether the coretalents needed for entrepreneurship are strongly present in him or partially or almost not. That way, he will know what he will automatically employ and in what things he would be better off arranging assistance.


The story shows that Mathijs went through a tough and difficult journey to rediscover himself. Mathijs' story is not an isolated one. Many are going through or have gone through this. Personally, I have also experienced some of this. In that period I came into contact with the core talents method (discovered and developed by Daniëlle Krekels, Belgium). The outcome was a feast of recognition and above all acknowledgement. What was seen as burn out turned out to be a bore out after implementing the core talents method. Because I could not use my strong coretalents in my work, I had literally become sick with boredom.


Meanwhile, I myself am coretalents analyst. In my work, I use this and my strong coretalents to help people avoid situations like Mathijs' and mine and many others.

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